Wanna play the BIZ QUIZ?

....and plug your at-home gig in the process? e-mail me with your answers (short and sweet) to the following questions...
  1. Why did you join / start you business?
  2. Tell us about one of your typical days.
  3. What is your favorite thing about your job?
  4. What is you biggest challenge as a WAHM?
  5. What are you doing to overcome those challenges?
  6. What advice would you give a “wannabe” WAHM?
  7. While you don’t need to be specific about your actual income, please tell us what you are doing (or plan to do) with the money you have earned.
  8. Anything else you would like to share?
  9. What is your favorite motivational quote?
***Don't forget to send me a hyperlink to your site so if anyone is interested in your opportunity or business, they can connect with you. Also, feel free to send me a graphic (if your company allows you to use one).

Friday, October 06, 2006

Holly Conger, Illustration & Arbonne International

Your Name & Business Name
Holli Conger Illustration & Arbonne International
Contact information
http://www.agirlwhocreates.com/ & http://builtforsuccess.myarbonne.com/

Why did you join / start you business?
I started as a full-time illustrator and WAHM in June of 2005. I added my Arbonne business in July of 2006. I started my illustration business to be home with my daughter full-time while still having a creative outlet and to put my talents to use, plus to support my family financially. I started my Arbonne business to "save" me from the illustration business. Arbonne allows me to focus on something different, get out of the house and to meet other people. It has really paid off for me so far. It's taken care of my cabin fever and has also challenged me to think creatively about promotion with a totally different business (I'm a marketing nut!).

Tell us about one of your typical days
I usually try and get up early some days (4:00 am seems to work well for me) to get started on projects, follow-up with emails, etc. before the family wakes up. From there, I move to my mobile office (laptop & wireless internet) and move where ever my daughter decides to play. I do a bit of marketing everyday for both business. Whether it's online marketing or things up ideas to try. Some days are harder than others if I have several deadlines or my daughter's having a fussy day. It all pans out and I wouldn't trade it for anything!

What is your favorite thing about your job?
Being home with my daughter and the freedom to go to the park we want to. This is my dream job!

What is you biggest challenge as a WAHM?
Probably that I do run my businesses while looking after a 2.5 year old. Sometimes work just doesn't get done when I planned, so I have to stay up late or get up early to meet a deadline. I have to focus on the real reason I'm home. To be with her.

What are you doing to overcome those challenges?
I started an Arbonne business on the side. Being stowed away in the house all day, I had continual cases of cabin fever and I just didn't get out and see people much. I needed something else to focus some of my energy on and Arbonne was the way for me to do that. I'm doing Arbonne for the longtime goal. It's my plan B. If my illustration work slows down or I can't work for some reason, my Arbonne income is there and in place. I'd also like to have the time to develop my own projects (like books and such) and have some extra money from Arbonne to turn down a few illustration jobs so I can focus on those.

What advice would you give a “wannabe” WAHM?
Try and find you grove early on. It took me a while to get in the swing of things and stayed up late for several months. I've finally gotten a hold on everything and hardly ever work past 4:00pm anymore. Also, learn to relax. one thing my husband and I do every night is watch a movie (we own a video store as well). It's a great way to forget about all you have going on and just veg-out. One thing that I found (and it took took me over a year as a WAHM to figure this out) is you need to get out of the house and away from your work and children. I love my daughter to death, but I realize that we need time away from each other sometimes.

While you don’t need to be specific about your actual income, please tell us what you are doing (or plan to do) with the money you have earned.
My first 6 months as a WAHM I made 1.5 times my annual corporate salary (and I had a pretty cushy design job at a Christian publisher). I attribute this to smart promotion for my business and really working on growing my style and getting my work out there to be seen.

Anything else you would like to share?
Be committed to what you do. You will have hard times and you will feel like giving up more that once, believe me, I still have those days. Find what you are good at and you will be rewarded in more ways than just money.

What advice would you give a “wannabe” WAHM?
Try and find you grove early on. It took me a while to get in the swing of things and stayed up late for several months. I've finally gotten a hold on everything and hardly ever work past 4:00pm anymore. Also, learn to relax. one thing my husband and I do every night is watch a movie (we own a video store as well). It's a great way to forget about all you have going on and just veg-out. One thing that I found (and it took took me over a year as a WAHM to figure this out) is you need to get out of the house and away from your work and children. I love my daughter to death, but I realize that we need time away from each other sometimes.

While you don’t need to be specific about your actual income, please tell us what you are doing (or plan to do) with the money you have earned.

My first 6 months as a WAHM I made 1.5 times my annual corporate salary (and I had a pretty cushy design job at a Christian publisher). I attribute this to smart promotion for my business and really working on growing my style and getting my work out there to be seen.

Anything else you would like to share?
Be committed to what you do. You will have hard times and you will feel like giving up more that once, believe me, I still have those days. Find what you are good at and you will be rewarded in more ways than just money.

What is your favorite motivational quote?
I sometimes go in stages from my favorite quote. I guess they tend to pertain to what I'm going through at that time. The current one now is from Arbonne's President, Rita Davenport:
"You can have anything you want in life when you help others get what they want." This is so true in today's self-centered world and you can apply it to anything you do.

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