Wanna play the BIZ QUIZ?

....and plug your at-home gig in the process? e-mail me with your answers (short and sweet) to the following questions...
  1. Why did you join / start you business?
  2. Tell us about one of your typical days.
  3. What is your favorite thing about your job?
  4. What is you biggest challenge as a WAHM?
  5. What are you doing to overcome those challenges?
  6. What advice would you give a “wannabe” WAHM?
  7. While you don’t need to be specific about your actual income, please tell us what you are doing (or plan to do) with the money you have earned.
  8. Anything else you would like to share?
  9. What is your favorite motivational quote?
***Don't forget to send me a hyperlink to your site so if anyone is interested in your opportunity or business, they can connect with you. Also, feel free to send me a graphic (if your company allows you to use one).

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Tiffany Schwartz- Weidman, Trinkies (cell phone jewelry)


Why did you join / start you business?

I love costume jewelry. I saw some antenna rings on the internet and thought they were the cutest things! I set out to find a factory to manufacture them for me at a better quality than what was out there. I love Trinkies and feeling good about your product makes a huge impact on your business.

I have for years tried other kinds of businesses; I knew one day that I would find my passion. I started my business to of course make money and have a more comfortable life, but also to have a sense of self. Being a mom is rewarding, but being a successful WAHM is over the top, WOW!

Tell us about one of your typical days.

My day starts off with getting my five children ready for school, that can sometimes be enough to wear you out before you get started. Then I plan my day while I have coffee. My days vary from days of heavy orders when I do nothing but pack orders to days that I have no orders and that is when I take time to promote my business, do follow up calls with customers. I try to “quit” work by 2 so that I have time for housecleaning before the wee ones get home.

“Let the games begin” – that would be a 3:30 when my children get home and they all have their stories and homework then it’s dinner and this and that until 9:00pm

What is your favorite thing about your job?

The sense of accomplishment, it’s a great feeling to know you are living your dream.

What is you biggest challenge as a WAHM?

To stop working! I stay up later than I should sometimes or sneak off to check emails.

What are you doing to overcome those challenges?

I just have to remind myself that I have a family and that it’s not good to stay up to the wee hours and drag the next day. For awhile I had a sign on my computer that said “GO TO BED!”

What advice would you give a “wannabe” WAHM?

Don’t just sell/do whatever because of money. Find something you really feel good about so even during the times you aren’t doing well, you still have a passion for it. Besides I think your passion shows through.

While you don’t need to be specific about your actual income, please tell us what you are doing (or plan to do) with the money you have earned.

The money made from my business pays bills. It also allowed us to take two vacations this past summer and with five children that is not cheap! I also take some of the money to pay extra on my van payment, after I get it paid for I plan to buy myself a new Ford Mustang. It’s always been my dream car.

Anything else you would like to share?

Don’t ever be afraid to ask questions.

You don’t have to listen to what “everybody” says.

Don’t let that one bad customer out of a thousand ruin your day.

Make goals, big and small, it really helps when being in business for yourself as when you reach one you feel “rewarded” for your efforts.

What is your favorite “mom-fuel”?

Coffee, coffee and more coffee!

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